@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010286, author = {Mohri, Yoshihiro and Sagehashi, Masayoshi and Yamada, Taiji and Hattori, Yasunao and Morimura, Keiji and Hamauzu, Yasunori and Kamo, Tsunashi and Hirota, Mitsuru and Makabe, Hidefumi}, journal = {HETEROCYCLES}, month = {Apr}, note = {Stereoselective synthesis of catechin and epicatechin dimers under intermolecular condensation of equimolar amount of catechin derivatives catalyzed by Yb(OTf)(3). The coupled products were successfully converted to procyanidins B1, B2, B3, and B4, respectively. Procyanidins B1, B2, B3, and B4 could be used as standard compounds for identifying the polyphenols in natural source.}, pages = {549--563}, title = {AN EFFICIENT SYNTHESIS OF PROCYANIDINS USING EQUIMOLAR CONDENSATION OF CATECHIN AND/OR EPICATECHIN CATALYZED BY YTTERBIUM TRIFLATE}, volume = {79}, year = {2009} }