@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010459, author = {渡邉, 修 and 彦坂, 遼 and 草野, 寛子 and 竹田, 謙一}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究はシカの食害によって高山植生が衰退した南アルプスの仙丈ヶ岳馬の背において,植生回復効果を調査したものである。シカ食害の影響を防止するため,2008年夏に防鹿柵が馬の背周辺のダケカンバ林床とお花畑に設置された。柵設置直後,調査地のダケカンバ林床ではマルバダケブキ,ヒゲノガリヤス,バイケイソウ,キバナノコマノツメが優占しており,お花畑ではタカネヨモギとバイケイソウが優占していた。柵設置後1年,ダケカンバ林床の柵内においてマルバダケブキとヒゲノガリヤスの植被率と積算優占度が大幅に上昇し,お花畑ではタカネヨモギが優占化した。各コドラートにおける多様度指数は,柵内外で平均値に差は見られなかったが,柵内において2008年と2010年の多様度指数に有意差が見られ,柵内の種多様度が増加した。柵内では高山植生の回復が徐々に進み,タカネスイバ,ミヤマキンポウゲ,ミヤマアキノキリンソウの優占度が上昇した。ここで得られた結果は,柵設置によって植被率が増加し,高山植生回復に効果があったことを示すが,一方でマルバダケブキとヒゲノガリヤスの高い優占度は他草種の回復にマイナスの影響を及ぼす可能性があると考えられた。, This study was conducted to determine the effect of recovery measures on the Alpine vegetation in the area of Umanose, Mt. Senjo that had been severely browsed by sika deer. In order to protect the alpine vegetation from browsing, sika deer fencing was constructed under the Betula ermanii forest floor and a field of alpine flowers in summer 2008. The alpine plant communities of this area were dominated by Ligularia dentate, Calamagrostis longiseta, Veratrum grandiflorum and Viola biflora in the area of the B. ermanii forest floor, and dominated by Artemisia sinanensis and V. grandiflorum in the field of alpine flowers just after the fencing in 2008. One year after the fencing, vegetation cover and summed dominance ratio (SDR2)of L. dentate and C. longiseta were drastically increased in the inside of the fenced area, and A. sinanensis increased in the field of alpine flowers. There was no difference in the species diversity of the stand (H') between outside fence and inside fence, but a significant difference of H' was shown in the fenced plot among in 2008 and in 2010. Alpine plant recovery was shown in the fenced plot, SDR2 of Rumex arifolius, Ranunculus acris var. nipponicusand Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa were gradually increased after fencing. These results suggest that sika deer fencing was promoted regeneration of shoots and vegetation coverage in this area, whereas the species diversity was affected by the highly abundance of L. dentate and C. longiseta. Further monitoring is required to determine the optimal alpine vegetation recovery management in this area., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 48(1-2): 17-27(2012)}, pages = {17--27}, title = {仙丈ヶ岳におけるシカ防除柵設置による高山植生の回復効果}, volume = {48}, year = {2012} }