@inproceedings{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010504, author = {Surono, I S and Nishigaki, T and Endaryanto, A and Waspodo, P}, book = {信州大学農学部紀要}, issue = {1-2}, month = {Mar}, note = {Proceedings of Shinshu University International Symposium 2007 “Sustainable Agriculture and Environment:Asian Network”, L. plantarum IS-10506 is one of very potential probiotic bacteria isolated from dadih, an Indonesia traditional fermented milk. The mechanisms and involvement of Toll-like Receptor(TLR)2 and 4 in reducing allergic reaction by Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506 probiotic in vivo through enhancement of the TH1 and Treg immune responses and forming a new TH1-TH2 equilibrium has been proved. Noni(Morinda citrifolia), Buah Merah(Pandanus conoideus)and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil(EVCO,Cocos nucifera)are Indonesian indigenous herbal plants and have been focused on their usefulness as functional foods. Nutritional values and biological actions were studied. Scopoletin in Noni fruits plays a significant role in improving the blood rheology, and has remarkably strong quenching action of reactive oxygen species(ROS). Buah Merah is rich in carotenoids, especially β-cryptoxanthin, a novel chemopreventive agent against lung cancers of heavy smokers and may prevent and/or improve post-menopausal osteoporosis. EVCO does not contain trans-fatty acids and is rich in medium-chain fatty acids and saturated fatty acids., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要. 44(1-2): 23-27 (2008)}, pages = {23--27}, publisher = {信州大学農学部}, title = {Indonesian Biodiversities, from Microbes to Herbal Plants as Potential Functional Foods}, volume = {44}, year = {2008} }