@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010705, author = {唐澤, 豊 and 清水, 拓司}, issue = {1}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Jul}, note = {人工第一胃で,栄養成長期,開花期,結実期の赤クローバー,白クローバー,オーチャードグラスあるいはトールフェスクを基質とした時のガス産生量とDM消化率あるいはNDF消化率との関係を調べ,累積ガス量を測定することによってNDF消化率を測定することが可能かどうかについて検討した。なお培養は5分間の予備培養後5時間,10時間あるいは15時間行い,ガスはピペット法で測定した。1.白クローバー,赤クローバを基質とした時累積ガス量は,栄養成長期,開花期,結実期のいずれであっても,オーチャードグラス,トールフェスクを基質とした場合より多かった。2.供試牧草の累積ガス量,DM消化率,およびNDF消化率は牧草の発育に伴なって同じように変化した。3.累積ガス量とNDF消化率の間には,培養時間と牧草の発育段階に関係なく高い相関が認められ,人工第一胃における累積ガス量の測定によって牧草のNDF消化率を推定することが可能であった。, This experiment was conducted with an artificial rumen to examine whether NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) digestibility of forage used as substrate can be evaluated by the cumulative gas production during fermentation. The forages used as substrate were white clover, red clover, orchard grass and tall fescue at the vegetative, blooming and fruitage stages and CO₂-treated incubation medium (pH 6.9) consisted of goat rumen juice and McDougall's synthetic saliva other than forage substrate. Incubation was performed for 5 hours, 10 hours or 15 hours, and the gas produced was determined by the pipett method. The results obtained are as follows: 1) Cumulative gas production during fermentation was more when white clover or red clover was used as substrate than when orchard grass or tall fescue was used, irrespective of the maturity stages of forages and incubation time. 2) Cumulative gas production, dry matter digestibility and NDF digestibility responded to the maturity of each forage tested in similar manners. 3) Significant high correlations were found between cumulative gas production and NDF digestibility in all forages tested, regardless of the maturity of forages and incubation time, suggesting that NDF digestibility of forage substrate can be evaluated by the cumulative gas production in an artificial rumen., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 22(1): 37-44(1985)}, pages = {37--44}, title = {人工第一胃における牧草の消化とガス産生}, volume = {22}, year = {1985} }