@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010714, author = {木村, 和弘}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {Total 960 rural settlements in mountainous villege, Nagano Pref., were chosen as the examination area, and change of the agricultural structure was investigated through the examination of crop combination system for about 20 years (1960-1980). The characteristics in these areas are as follows. 1) Area of cultivated land is decreasing as the cultivation throws up and at the same time, the planted area is also decreasing, so waste land appeared in farm. 2) Change of the number of cultivated crops which are composed of crop combination may be classified into three categories, i, e., i) settlement keeping a constant state, ii) settlement decreasing the number of crops since 1960, iii) settlement repeating increase and decrease of the number of crops since 1960, and in 1980 the number increased. In the settlements decreasing the number of cultivated crops are accompanied by the decrease of cultivated land and also in the settlements increasing the number of the crop, the multiple crop combination which is concentrated in rice is developing. 3) The type of crop combination based on the degree of planted land changed and the number of the combination decreased from 287 to 192 for about 20 years. In 1980, the combination below 3 crops was composed of rice, vegetables and the other crops. Type of the combination based on the total agricultural output may relates somewhat with the degree of rice cultivation.}, pages = {149--167}, title = {山村農業の変化 ―長野県の山村集落における作目構成の変化を通して―}, volume = {22}, year = {1985} }