@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010723, author = {森下, 芳臣 and 松尾, 信一 and 大島, 浩二}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {The bones of the trunk were investigated, following the reports on the appen-dicular skeleton of the Japanese serow (J. Fac. Agric. Shinshu Univ. Vol. 20, 173; 1983, Vol. 21, 59:1984). 1. The bones of the trunk of the Japanese serow were composed of the vertebral column, ribs, and sternum. The vertebral column consisted of 7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 6 lumbar, 6 or 5 sacral and 8 to 10 caudal vertebrae, (C₇, T₁₃, L₆, S₆₋₅, Ca₈₋₁₀). Thirteen pairs of ribs were present and the sternum consisted of 7 sternebrae. 2. The first and most obvious differences between the vertebral columns of the Japanese serow and the goat were observed in the following points: size of body, vertebral foramen, spinous process of cervical vertebrae, transverse process of lumbar vertebrae, and wing of sacrum. 3. The cervical vertebrae of the Japanese serow were distinguished from those of the goat in the following points: The atlas; wing, alar foramen, lateral vertebral foramen, atlantis fossa, cranial articular cavity, caudal articular cavity, fovea dentis, ventral tubercle, dorsal arch and dorsal tubercle. The axis ; cranial notch, caudal notch, lateral vertebral foramen, transverse foramen, spinous process, transverse process, dens and caudal extremity. The third to seventh cervical vertebrae; spinous process, transverse process and ventral plate (lamina). 4. The thoracic vertebrae of the Japanese serow were distinguished from those of the goat in the following points: cranial extremity, caudal extremity, spinous process, mamillary process and transverse process. 5. The lumbar vertebrae of the Japanese serow were distinguished from those of the goat in the following points : cranial extremity, caudal extremity, spinous process, transverse process, mamilloarticular process and caudal articular process. 6. The sacrum of the Japanese serow consisted of 6 or 5 segments. The sacrum of the Japanese serow was distinguished from that of the goat in the following points : cranial articular process, wing, auricular surface, median sacral crest, intermediate sacral crest and shape of sacrum. 7. The caudal vertebrae of the Japanese serow consisted of 8 to 10 in number.8. The bony thorax (thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and sternum) of the Japanese serow resembled in general that of the goat in shape. The ribs consisted of 13 pairs. The eighth rib was the longest, and the fifth, sixth and seventh ribs were the widest. The sternum consisted of 7 sternebrae. 9. The sexual difference on the bones of the trunk of the Japanese serow was observed only on the wing and the auricular surface of the sacrum., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 21(2): 119-148(1984)}, pages = {119--148}, title = {ニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)の骨格に関する研究 III 胴骨(脊柱・肋骨・胸骨)について}, volume = {21}, year = {1984} }