@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010736, author = {KARASAWA, Yutaka and KIBE, Kyuei}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {In order to examine ammonia absorption from the intestine in chickens fed 5 and 20% protein diets, two ml of 2 mM ammonium acetate solution was introduced into 10 cm chicken intestinal sack having Meckel's diverticulum in the middle part. 1) After the introduction in both dietary groups blood ammonia concentration in the mesenteric vein draining the sack reached a maximal increase within 5 minutes and returned to the initial level in 30 minutes. The difference in ammonia concentration between cardiac and mesenteric venous blood also showed a similar time course change to mesenteric venous blood ammonia concentration in both dietary groups. 2) 97 and 93%of the ammonia introduced into the intestinal lumen disappeared in 30 minutes in the chickens fed 5 and 20% protein diets respectively., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 20(2): 167-172(1983)}, pages = {167--172}, title = {Ammonia Absorption from the Intestine in Chickens Fed Low and High Protein Diets}, volume = {20}, year = {1983} }