@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010792, author = {北沢, 秋司 and 山村, 烈也}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {After the first report which presented the Miwa and Koshibu dam basins, in the previous number of this publication, we studied four other dam basins that are the Shintoyone, Yahagi, Maruyama and Yokoyama dams. On each of them we made investigations about climate, topography, geology, and ecology and tried to estimate denudation on shore zone and sand accumulation by erosion, due to floating water level. As a conclusion we suggest that it would be more practical to divide five zones on and around dam basin, exercising each different scenic amelioration works, as follows, (1) dam site and surrounding zone, denuded by construction works. (2) denuded shore zone and devastated slopes around the basin. (3) woods and forests confronting the basin. (4) terraces, taluses and ruins of removed cottages along valleys. (5) roads and slopes on the both sides of it in the district., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 15(2): 169-194(1978)}, pages = {169--194}, title = {ダム周辺の復元力に関する研究(第2報)}, volume = {15}, year = {1978} }