@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010796, author = {大島, 浩二 and 松尾, 信一}, issue = {1}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Jun}, note = {The purpose of this study was to examine how daily photoperiods effect the histological changes of the pineal gland and the third ventricular choroid plexus in the fowl. Nineteen White Leghorns were used in this experiments (Table 1). The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Large follicles of the pineal gland are observed conspicuously in the capon, while smaller follicles are found in the laying, non-laying hens and female hormonetreated cocks. These large follicles in the cocks are also appeared in dark periods than those in light periods. 2. The average size of the nuclei of the pinealocytes of the cocks and laying hens in dark periods was somewhat larger than those in light periods. 3. Ganglion cells are found within the pineal gland and also in the capsule of the gland in fowls. Lymphocytes and lymphoid nodules are present in the pineal gland of the fowl. 4. The periodic acid-Schiff reaction is negative or very slightly positive in all the pineal glands of the fowl during photoperiods. 5. The ependymal cells of the third ventricular choroid plexus in the capon are long columnar. In all the fowls, these cells formed columnar to cubic in dark periods, whereas cubic to columnar in light periods. Many specific large pale cells are found in the third ventricular choroid plexus in the capon. These cells are observed relatively in large numbers in dark periods but a few in light periods. 6. In this experiments, it seems to more probable that the cells of the pineal gland and the third ventricular choroid plexus in the fowl are slightly influenced by the photoperiods., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 14(1): 23-32(1977)}, pages = {23--32}, title = {成鶏の松果体及び第三脳室脈絡叢と光周期との関連性についての組織学的研究}, volume = {14}, year = {1977} }