@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010804, author = {鈴木, 茂忠 and 宮尾, 嶽雄 and 西沢, 寿晃 and 高田, 靖司}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {Investigation is running on since April 1975 in order to make clear the food habit of the Japanese marten, Martes melampus melampus on the eastern slope of the Mt. Kiso-Komagatake. In view of the results so far achieved, the authors attempted to make clear the food habit to examine scat samples, which were collected in the upper part of low mountaineous zone (1,200-1,600m above the sea level : we called "the A zone") and the sub-alpine zone (1,700-2,600m above the sea level : we called "the B zone") on the eastern slope of the Mt. Kiso-Komagatake from the end of March 1976 to the end of January 1977. In the present paper, especially the authors will be discussed on the following several points : i) change of food habit from autumn to winter in each year of 1975 and 1976 in the A zone. , ii) the change throughout the year in the A zone, and iii) difference of food habit between the A and B zones. The results obtained were summarized as follows 1) The number of scats collected in the A zone was less amount since August and thereafter its number suddenly increased from September. However, the authors could not be clear what had caused the results. 2) In the A zone, food habit from March to June seemed to be dependent on animal diet, while at the time from September to January of succeeding year, it may be dependent essentially on vegetable diet rather than animal. And both animal and vegetable were eaten in July and August. In the B zone, on the other hand, there was scarcely any scat which contained only animal component and scat containning vegetable component or vegetable and animal were commonly found from September to December. 3) Food habit was dependent on animal diet, namely, Lepus brachyurus from March to June in the A zone. 4) There was scarcely any scat which contained only animal and that containning vegetable component or vegetable and animal component were commonly found from September to December in the A zone. Food component in scat from July to August would be intermediate before June and after September within a year. 5) Kinds of vegetable diet eaten by the Japanese marten were Rubus, Pari-etales (Actinidia) and Sorbus in July and August, in September and October, and in November and January, respectively. 6) Sorbus was mainly eaten from November to January in 1976 as a vegetable diet, which had not been found at all in the previous report of 1976 (SUZUKI, MIYAO et al) in the A zone. It seemed to be considered that the lower temperature during June to September might cause the difference of kinds in vegetable diet among 1975 and 1976. 7) Lepus brachyurus and murine rodents were the most important as an animal diet in the A zone and the mutual compensatory relation as a companion diet would be recognized among two kinds of animals, that is, the higher the frequency of appearance of the murine rodents, the lower the L. brachyurus occurred and the frequency relation was vice versa. These tendencies may suggest that the Japanese marten may attack the animal as a density-dependent factor and the Japanese marten may be used to eat the animal which increased the population density. 8) Frequency of scat which contained animal component (L. brachyurus or Coleopterous insect) became higher in July and August and the component changed to both animal and vegetable in September and then it reached about 50% for vegetable diet (Sorbus) in the B zone. 9) Animal diet was much weight rather than vegetable in the B zone compar-ing with the diet in the A zone. 10) Main animal diet was L. brachyurus in the B zone.}, pages = {147--178}, title = {木曾駒ヶ岳の哺乳動物に関する研究 第III報 木曾駒ヶ岳東斜面低山帯上部および亜高山帯におけるホンドテンの食性}, volume = {14}, year = {1977} }