@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010836, author = {村井, 秀夫 and 渡邊, 泰邦 and 登内, 徳一郎 and 関川, 堅 and 森山, 行雄}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of antibiotics (Aurofac S) feed-ing on the ruminal volatile fatty acids and some blood compositions in fatteningsteers. Six holstein steers were separated into three groups and 20 and 60g of antibiotics per head per day were added to high concentrates ration to each of two groups within 30 days. When antibiotics were fed, feed consumptions were increased significantly and body weight gains were increased slightly. Erythrocytes and leucocytes number, hematocrit value and serum protein concentrates in venous blood were not affected by the antidiotics feeding. When antibiotics were fed, the ruminal pH values were increased significantly. Antibiotics feeding increased ruminal bacterial number but decreased protozoal number. Concentrations of total volatile fatty acids in the rumen were decreased significantly by antibiotics feeding. Feeding antibiotics resulted in a significant decrease in acetate and increased in propionate in ruminal fluid., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 11(2): 259-270(1974)}, pages = {259--270}, title = {抗菌性物質投与が肥育牛におよぼす生理的影響}, volume = {11}, year = {1974} }