@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010847, author = {北沢, 秋司}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {To study landslides in INA District, NAGANO Prefecture, from a standpoint of geological analysis and to find some relationships between landslides and geological types, the author made some analysing works. He studied frequency of landslides' occurance on each geological types such as granite zone, fracture zone and tectonic zone, etc. , making dotted plots which landslides occured on in the past, on a geological map (scale : 1/5,000) of this district. As an estimation from his works he found that landslides might occur the most on the granite zone. After his extensive field-trips thereafter, he proposes, as a conclusion, the following landslide type classification by geological analysis, 1. Surface slip (granite zone) 2. Earth-fall (diluvium zone) 3. Landslide (undercut slope) 4. Cataclastic landslide (fracture zone : SANBAGAWA zone) 5. Fractural landslide (fracture zone:mylonite zone) 6. Tectonic landslide (tectonic zone : CHICHIBU zone, SHIMANTO zone), Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 10(2): 147-173(1973)}, pages = {147--173}, title = {伊那地方における地質と法崩壊地の関係について}, volume = {10}, year = {1973} }