@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010850, author = {菅原, 聰}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学農学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {長野市の製材業は,地元で用いられる木造庄宅用建築用材を主目標として営なまれており「多種目少量的」生産を行なっている。そして生産技術には「歩止りの向上」と「付加価値の増大」とを追求することを目標としている。しかし目標が同じであるといっても経営のあり方はかなり異なっており,それらを経営類型に区分すると次のようになる。イ)建築用材製材業A(A類型)もっとも規模の大きなもので,生産中心主義の経営を行なっている製材業である。ロ)建築用材製材業B(B類型)中規模なもので,生産中心主義の経営を行なっている製材業である ハ)建築用材製材業C(C類型)家族中心で経営が行なわれている小規模な生産中心主義の製材業である二)家具・建具用材製材業(D類型)家具。建具用材や造作材中心に生産している製材業である ホ)木材・建築材料販売業(E類型)木材を主とする建材販売が主業で,製材を副業としている製材業である。 へ)土木・建築工事業(F類型)土木・建築工事を行なっていくうえに必要な製材品を生産している製材業であるしたがって,長野市の製材業の近代化を図るにあたっては画一的に行なうことなく,類型別にそれぞれ進めるべきであろう。ただ業界全体として必要なことは「惰報流通の整備」であり,それによって「木造住宅建築のシステム化」を図らなければ,業界の発展は期待できないであろう。, Saw millers in Nagano City are operated in the intention to produce the lumber for house building used in Nagano City. So "multisort and small amount" of saw lumber are produced in these saw millers. And the production technique are improved towards "the elevation of yield percentage" and "the enlargement of added value". The production method and the production technique are like in each saw millers, but the management method are variable. So we tried to point out the various types of the saw millers in Nagano City. These types may be summarily illustated as follows : 1 Saw millers producing lumber for house building A (A Type) Management is carried out concentrating on the production of lumber for house building. The employee number is above 20 persons and the productivity is higher than the others. 2 Saw millers producing lumber for house building B (B Type) Management is perfomed for the purpose of the production of lumber for house building. The employee number is from 10 to 20 persons. 3 Saw millers producing lumber for house building C (C Type) Management is mainly carried out with family and produced lumber for house building. 4 Saw millers producing lumber for furniture or fixture (D Type) Management is carried out concentrating on the production of lumber for furniture or fixture. 5 Sellers for building materials (E Type) Management is mainly carried out by selling of building materials, and subsidiary by producing of lumber for house building. 6 Builders and contractors (F Type) Management is mainly performed by building houses or contracting civil engineering works, and subsidiary by producing of lumber for house building or civil engineering. The modernization in saw millers in Nagano City must be developed type. And "the arrangement of communication" and "the systemazation of ding house" must be promoted in these business circles., Article, 信州大学農学部紀要 9(2): 41-72(1972)}, pages = {41--72}, title = {長野市の製材業の実態―内陸型製材業の一形態―}, volume = {9}, year = {1972} }