@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011012, author = {荒瀬, 輝夫 and 小林, 元 and 木下, 渉 and 野溝, 幸雄 and 酒井, 敏信 and 前田, 佳伸}, journal = {信州大学農学部AFC報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {管理運営に資する目的で,信州大学農学部西駒演習林の2棟の山小屋の利用者ノートの記録を集計した。調査対象期間は2007年4月から2010年12月までの最近4年間とした。西駒演習林管理所(ヒノキ小屋,標高1,430m)では計285件(年間およそ70件),しらべ平小屋(標高1,950m)では計190件(年間およそ50件)の利用があった。目的は調査研究が70%前後を占め,学外者のレジャー利用も多かった。利用状況を踏まえ,管理者側,利用者側の問題点を検討した。 The visitors’book records of two mountain huts in the Nishikoma Research Forest managed by the Faculty of Agriculture at Shinshu University were examined in this study. Records for the four-year period spanning April 2007 to December 2010 were examined. A total of 285 records were left at the management office of the Nishikoma Research Forest (Hinoki Hut ; 1,430 m), i.e. about 70 per year. Conversely, 190 records were left at the Shirabe-Taira hut (1,950 m) i.e. about 50 per year. While the primary reasons given for visiting the sites were concerned with scientific research (70%),a considerable number of records were for recreation and were left by visitors from outside the university. The problems for both managers and visitors are discussed based on the types of activities undertaken the mountain huts., Article, 信州大学農学部AFC報告 9: 105-110(2011)}, pages = {105--110}, title = {信州大学農学部西駒演習林における最近の山小屋利用状況について}, volume = {9}, year = {2011} }