@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011155, author = {辰野, 良秋 and 堀内, 照夫}, journal = {信州大学農学部学術報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {From the results of our experiments, we may ascertain that the soil properties exert important influence upon the denuded forest land. 1.The soil grain texture (which is represented as Equality Coefficient=Diameter of soil grain of 60%/Diameter of soil grain of 10% obtained from soil grain accumulation curve) shows the structural characters of soil. By this we understand that soil is very ununiform and comolicated. Therefore, to make some protective or restoring work from the denuded forest land, we must clearly know these soil properties, and need set the most reasonable measure. 2. Some of the soil properties show, the indexes for dealing with the denuded forest land, land creep, land disintegration, soil erosion, and bare land. a). Stability ratio (=flow (liquid) limit/moisture content of natural soil) is possible to used as an index of resisting power against the land creeping. The larger is the stability, the bigger the resisting power against creeping has the soil. b). Plastic index is the remainder of flow limit and pleastic limit, and shows the measure of soil's cohesion. So that this may be able to be used as an index of resisting power against the disintegration of land, and so it may be said that the larger plastic index it has, the stronger is the stability of the soil against its crumbling. Sum of clay (clay ratio) also represents the plastic index of that and there exists reciprocity between the two c). We may confirm the report as follows: Dispersion ratio=Sum of clay by mechanic analysis/Sum of clay by chemical analysis is possible to be used as an erosion index. d). An index of bareland. This problem cannot be thought without reference to the productive power of the soil besides the elemental constituents and the climatic factor etc. but we may assume the causes for in active weathering and humibication by understanding the soil's properties.}, pages = {25--40}, title = {山地荒廃の土性的考察:主として粒度組成及び稠度相について}, volume = {4}, year = {1955} }