@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011697, author = {Haba, N and Hosotani, Y and Kawamura, Y and Yamashita, T}, issue = {1}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW D}, month = {Jul}, note = {We study the dynamical symmetry breaking in the gauge-Higgs unification of the five-dimensional theory compactified on an orbifold, S(1)/Z(2). This theory identifies Wilson line degrees of freedom as "Higgs doublets." We consider SU(3)(c)xSU(3)(W) and SU(6) models with the compactification scale of order of a few TeV. The gauge symmetries are reduced to SU(3)(c)xSU(2)(L)xU(1)(Y) and SU(3)(c)xSU(2)(L)xU(1)(Y)xU(1), respectively, through the orbifolding boundary conditions. We estimate the one loop effective potential of "Higgs doublets," and find that the electroweak breaking is realized through the radiative corrections when there are suitable numbers of bulk fields possessing the suitable representations. The masses of "Higgs doublets" are O(100) GeV in this scenario., Article, PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 70(1):015010 (2004)}, title = {Dynamical symmetry breaking in gauge-Higgs unification on an orbifold}, volume = {70}, year = {2004} }