@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011720, author = {Goto, Yuhei and Kawamura, Yoshiharu and Miura, Takashi}, issue = {5}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW D}, month = {Sep}, note = {We study the possibility of family unification on the basis of SU(N) gauge theory on the sixdimensional space-time, M-4 x T-2/Z(N). We obtain enormous numbers of models with three families of SU(5) matter multiplets and those with three families of the standard model multiplets, from a single massless Dirac fermion with a higher-dimensional representation of SU(N), through the orbifold breaking mechanism., Article, PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 88(5):055016 (2013)}, title = {Orbifold family unification on six dimensions}, volume = {88}, year = {2013} }