@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011795, author = {Higuchi, Masahiko and Higuchi, Katsuhiko}, issue = {4}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW A}, month = {Oct}, note = {We present a correction method for the pair density (PD) to get close to the ground-state one. The PD is corrected to be a variationally best PD within the search region that is extended by adding the uniformly scaled PDs to its elements. The corrected PD is kept N-representable and satisfies the virial relation rigorously. The validity of the present method is confirmed by numerical calculations of neon atom. It is shown that the root-mean-square error of the electron-electron interaction and external potential energies, which is a good benchmark for the error of the PD, is reduced by 69.7% without additional heavy calculations., Article, PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 84(4):044502 (2011)}, title = {Correction method for obtaining the variationally best ground-state pair density}, volume = {84}, year = {2011} }