@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011815, author = {Okuyama, Kazumi}, issue = {1}, journal = {JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS}, month = {Jan}, note = {We study the holographic dual string configuration of 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loops in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory by using the global coordinate of AdS. The dual string worldsheet is given by the Poincare disk AdS(2) sitting at a constant global time slice of AdS(5). We also analyze the correlator of two concentric circular Wilson loops from the global AdS perspective and study the phase transition associated with the instability of annulus worldsheet connecting the two Wilson loops., Article, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. 2010(1)096 (2010)}, title = {Global AdS picture of 1/2 BPS Wilson loops}, year = {2010} }