@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011897, author = {公文, 富士夫 and 山本, 正伸 and 長橋, 良隆 and 青池, 寛}, issue = {7}, journal = {地質学雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {We reviewed the restults of previous studies on paleoclimate and paleoenvironment in and around the Japanese Islands during the Last lnterglacial period. Sediment cores recovered from deep-sea settings around the Japanese Islands provide valuable information in understanding the ocean paleoenvironment and age framework since marine isotope stage 6. Analyses of pollen, diatoms, and total organic carbon in lake sediments have contributed to clarifying the land climate in detail, in combination with age constraints provided by tephra marker beds. Great progress has been made in tephra stratigraphy and the identification of tephra marker beds, which provide the key to correlating land and marine data, as shown in the case studies on Lake Biwa and the Takano Formation. Because several widespread tephra marker beds are 90 to 100 ka in age, it is possible to reconstruct the paleoclimate of this period at high resolution, both temporally and spatially,integrating local and regional environmental information for both land and marine settings. Such results may be important in the near future for local and global climate forecasting., 更新世後期の最終間氷期を中心に,日本列島陸域および周辺海域の古気候・古環境変動について研究の現状を紹介し,今後の課題を提起した.海洋域では海底コアの多面的な解析が,海洋環境と古気候変動の解明に大きく貢献している.陸域の研究では,長期間に及ぶ連続堆積物を用いた花粉分析や珪藻分析,有機炭素分析によって高精度の古気候復元が試みられている.海域と陸域を繋ぐ鍵として広域テフラの有用性は高く,琵琶湖堆積物や高野層に挟まれた指標テフラは古気候を時間・空間的に結合させて復元する鍵となる.特に指標テフラ密度の高い9 - 10万年前の日本列島とその周辺は,有望な研究対象である.このように,テフラを介して海域と陸域の古気候・古環境情報を比較・統合して,高時間分解能で総合的な古気候復元を行うことは,日本列島の地域性を明らかにするとともに,汎世界的な気候変動のシステムを理解する上でも必要な貢献となる.}, pages = {301--310}, title = {最終間氷期の環境変動一日本列島陸域と周辺海域の比較と統合-}, volume = {115}, year = {2009} }