@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012101, author = {小坂, 共栄 and 久保田, 正史 and 大塚, 繁 and 備前, 信之}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学理学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the core of the Uchimura Mountain Range, greenish altered volcaniclastic rocks crop out extensively. On the contraly to this, the south to south-western part of this mountain is occupied by normal sediments such as conglomerate, sandstone or mud stone. These normal and volcaniclastic sediments, which are named the Uchimura formation by Honma (1931), have an interfingering relationships widely in the central part of this mountain. The Hongo Facies have been adopted as the facies name to these normal sediments in the Uchimura Formation. For a long time, index fossils has not been found in these sediments, therefore the Uchimura Formation have been regarded as lower Miocene in age roughly.In this paper the author report the planctonic foraminifers found in the uppermost horizon of the Uchimura Formation. Planctonic foraminifers found in the uppermost horizon of the Uchimura formation are characterised by following species, such as Globigerina angustiumbilicata BOLLI, Gg. bulloides d' ORBIGNY, Gg. druryi AKERS, Gg eamesi BLOW, Gg. falconensis BLOW, Gg. praebulloides BLOW, Gg. sp., Globorotalia archeomenardii BOLLI, Gr. panda JENKINS, Gr. praescitula BLOW, Gr. scitula (BRADY), Gr. sp., Globigerinoides obliquus BOLLI, Gs. quadrilobatus (d' ORBIGNY) Gs. sp., Globoquadrina dehiscens (CHAPMAN, PARR and COLLINS), Gq. baroe moenensis (LEROY), Gq. venezuelana (HEDBERG), Gq. sp., Dentoglobigerina altispira altispira (CUSHMAN and JENKINS), Globigerinella obesa (BOLLI), Ge. sp., Globigerinita glutinana (EGGER), Sphaeroidinellopsis disjuncta (FINLAY), Ss. seminulina seminulina (SCHWAGER), Orbulina bilobata (d' ORBIGNY), Martinottiella communis, Trifarina sp. Form these facts it is concluded that the upper most part of the Uchimura Formation can be assinged to planctonic foraminiferal zone N9 (Blow, 1969)., Article, 信州大学理学部紀要 24(2): 27-34(1990)}, pages = {27--34}, title = {北部フォッサマグナの新第三系内村層から産出した浮遊性有孔虫化石}, volume = {24}, year = {1990} }