@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012198, author = {渡辺, 晃二}, issue = {2}, journal = {信州大学理学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The uranium ore deposits, which are epigenetic sedimentary deposits, are widely distributed in the Ningyotoge district. In these deposits many uranium minerals have been found. In the unoxidized zone the minerals are ningyoite, uraninite and comnite, and in the oxidized zone those are autunite, meta autunite, uranophane, β-uranophane, boltwoodite, carnotite, ranquilite, weeksite, phosphuranylite, uranopilite, liebigite and sabugalite. Among them autunite and ningyoite of calcium phosphate are the most widespread and abundant minerals. Uranophane, β-uranophane, comnite and uraninite are also abundant, but are restricted in their occurrences. Two of them, liebigite and sabugalite, were first identified in Japan by the author. There are two types of occurrence of uranium minerals. One is the evenly disseminated type which is characterized by disseminated tiny grains in arkosic sandstone, tuff breccia, clay and arkosic matrix of conglomerate, and thin coated film on the surface of pebbles and along the cracks. In this type ningyoite, autunite, phosphuranylite, carnotite, and uranopilite are included. The other is the concentrated type selectvely in wood and other carbonaceous materials. The occurrence of uranium silicate minerals, comnite, uranophane, β-uranophane, boltwoodite, ranquilite, and weeksite, is restricted only within opaline wood and carbonaceous matters. Some uranyl sulphate minerals, uranopilite and zippeite, are closely associated with iron sulphate mineral such as melanterite, halotricite and iron sulphate tetrahydrate. These uranyl sulphate minerals are recently formed as an efforessence on the wall of digging gallery through the decomposition of pyrite found in lignite and arkosic sediments under the condition of high humidity. It is stggested that uranium is originated mainly in the basement pegmatic biotite granite of Oganao type. Uranium has extracted from the complex ion as [UO_2(CO_3)_2]^<-2>. Under the condition of closed basins it was accumulated in the sediments. It is indicated that the hydrogene ion concentration and the redox potentials are the important factors for determing the mineral paragenesis in these deposits., Article, 信州大学理学部紀要 11(2): 53-113(1977)}, pages = {53--113}, title = {鳥取・岡山県下,人形峠地域の堆積型ウラン鉱床における鉱物共生}, volume = {11}, year = {1977} }