@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012226, author = {酒井, 潤一}, issue = {1}, journal = {信州大学理学部紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {From the pollen analyses of the Fujimi Peat Bed in the southern part of Nagano Prefecture (35°55' N. Lat.; 960 m above sea-level) the palaeoclimate of the area during the early part of the Late Pleistocene is estimated as follows. (1) During the age of the lower part of the Fujimi Peat Bed it was cold and somewhat dry. (2) The upper part of the Fujimi Peat Bed shows a mild climate of that time. It warmer than now, and was wet especially in the early stage. (3) A cold climate was prevalent during the age from the uppermost part of the Fujimi Peat Bed to the lower part of the Nakayama Peat Bed (J. SAKAI, 1973). The Pm-1A Pumice Bed (S. SAKAI and M. SHIMONO, 1972) is intercalated between the two peat beds., Article, 信州大学理学部紀要 8(1): 51-63(1973)}, pages = {51--63}, title = {長野県南部の富士見泥炭層に包含される花粉化石から推定した気候の変動}, volume = {8}, year = {1973} }