@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012285, author = {KATSUKI, ATSUSHI}, issue = {1}, journal = {信州大学理学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {Electronic specific heats, CE, of transition metals are estimated from observed specific heat data. It is shown that for some transition metals which should be called plus group metals, CE>γ(0)T where γ(0) is the value of CE/T at very low temperatures, whereas for other metals which should be called minus group metals, CE<γ(0)T. The formulae for Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility, x0, electronic specific heat coefficient, γ, and their field dependences are given. The density of states curves are determined from specific heat data at very low temperatures of some series of transition metals and their alloys on the basis of the rigid band model. By making use of these density of states curves, electronic specific heats and the Pauli paramagnetic susceptibilities are calculated. Comparing the calculated results of x0 and observed magnetic susceptibilities x, we estimate the molecular field coefficients a and the orbital paramagnetic susceptibilities xorb. for the transition metals and their alloys. The NMR shift of V^<51> in V-Cr alloys and of Nb^<93> and Tc^<99> in Nb-Mo and Nb-Tc alloys are explained by making use of the estimated values of xorb. and α. STONER's condition of ferromagnetism is examined and it is pointed out that STONER's condition is a sufficient condition of ferromagnetism for the electrons in the band, but is not always a necessary one., Article, 信州大学理学部紀要 2(1): 19-85(1967)}, pages = {19--85}, title = {Electronic Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility of Transition Metals and Alloys}, volume = {2}, year = {1967} }