@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012489, author = {Kosono, S and Kataoka, M}, issue = {1}, journal = {Actinomycetologica}, month = {}, note = {pSN22, an 11 kb multicopy conjugative plasmid from Streptomyces nigrifaciens, promotes chromosome recombination in Streptomyces lividans. Five genes have been identified to be involved in plasmid transfer and pock formation: traB is essential for plasmid transfer; traA for pock formation; spdA and spdB are concerned with pock size; and traR, which corresponds to a kor gene in a kil-kor system, encodes a repressor of traR itself and the traA-traB-spdB (tra) operon. Studies on the interaction of TraR with promoter regions suggest that the negative regulation of transfer-related genes by TraR is achieved by two mechanisms, i.e. promoter hiding and roadblock. The predicted ATPase activity and the membrane localization of TraB suggest that the protein plays a direct role in ATP-driven DNA translocation. TraB is also thought to be involved in intra- and intermycelial transfers of pSN22., Article, Actinomycetologica. 10(1):12-22 (1996)}, pages = {12--22}, title = {Conjugative transfer of a Streptomyces plasmid, pSN22}, volume = {10}, year = {1996} }