@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014486, author = {藤井, 敏弘 and 阿部, 康次 and 平井, 利博 and 下坂, 誠 and 寺本, 彰}, month = {Mar}, note = {We developed a rapid and convenient extraction method for quantifying human hair components called the “Shindai Method and novel procedures for preparing human hair protein films (Pre-cast and Post-cast methods). All the people do not have a hair. Thus, we applied these methods in the preparation of protein solution and film formation from human nail. The amount of protein extracted by the Shindai method was about 2.5 times more than that of the conventional method. Obtained proteins contained soft keratins in addition to hard keratins and matrix proteins. We found the presence of serine phosphorylation in keratins and matrix proteins, in addition to threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation in keratins indicating the presence of post-translational modifications in the nail proteins. When Pre-cast, post-cast, and soft post-cast methods, which can convert hair protein solution into protein films, were used, white color films were formed from the nail protein solution. The maximaum protein recovery from the films was 70-90%・ and the protein components mainly consisted of hard and soft keratins. Using the Post-cast (pH 5) and soft post-cast methods, the films formed slowly (approximately 5-40 min) and became translucent. In construct, the Pre-cast and Post-cast methods resulted in films which formed quickly (Within 1 min) and turned white and opaque. SEM observations showed that the surface of the translucent films was smooth compared with that of the opaque films. Translucent nail protein films exhibited an absorption around 270-295 nm, indicating their selective application for UV-care goods}, title = {15-3-9 : ヒト由来生体材料の個人対応製品-の創製と販売}, year = {2005} }