@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014571, author = {高須, 芳雄}, month = {Mar}, note = {For the development of oxide electrodes of electrochemical super-capacitors, various kinds of oxides have been synthesized and their electrochemical capacitance was evaluated in aqueous electrolytes. Among Ru-V-0 oxide, K-doped layered ruthenate, exfoliated ruthenate (ruthenium nano-sheets), amorphous ruthenium hydroxide with various mean particle size and rod-shaped vanadium oxide, a Ru-V-0 oxide provided the maximum capacitance of 1,220 Fg-1(RuO2). The ruthenium nano-sheet (exfoliated ruthenate) was found to be electron- and proton-conductor, and gave high capacitance, 660 Fg-1(RuO2)., Article, 先進ファイバー工学研究教育拠点研究成果報告書 10: 37-37(2004)}, title = {15-1-10 :電気化学エネルギーデバイス用電極の開発}, year = {2004} }