@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016345, author = {HONG, Sung-Su and KIM, Young-Ok and KIM, Balk-Ho and HAN, Myung-Soo}, journal = {信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告}, month = {Feb}, note = {To understand the dietary contribution of phytoplankton on the growth of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus feeding on four algal preys; Micyocystis aerufinosa, two strains of Chlorella vulgaris and Stephanodsicus hantzschii, the growth rates, egg holdings and mortalities were measured. Two strains, M. aeruginosa and C. vulgaris induced a high growth of B. calyciflorus, while S. hantzachii and C. vulgaris UTEX26 induces a low growth. Rotifers strongly decreased the densities of C. vulgaris UTEX26 and S. hantzschii within 2-3 days, compared to those of M. aerufinosa and C. vulgaris in the same time period. Cyanobacterium M. aerufinosa induced the longest lasting egg holdings and the lowes mortarlity of B. calyciflorus within 7 days, while S. hantzschii produced the egg holdings for only a short period in the beginning of the culture with ahigh mortality. This study shows that a toxic cyanobacterium, M. aerufinosa, can beapplied as a fruitful diet for the development of zooplankton population, like rotifer., Article, 信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 2: 11-15(2004)}, pages = {11--15}, title = {Growth and grazing rates of rotifer,(Brachinous calyciflorus) on several algae}, volume = {2}, year = {2004} }