@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016348, author = {DOI, Hideyuki and KIKUCHI, Eisuke and TAKAGI, Shigeto and SHIKANO, Shuichi}, journal = {信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告}, month = {Feb}, note = {Lake Katanuma is a colcanic, strongly acidic lake (average pH of 2.2), located in Miyagi prefecture, Japan. Only a few spieccies are found in Katanuma; Chironomus acerbiphis larvae as benthic invertebrate, Pinnularia baunii as benthic diatom, and Chlamydomonas acidophila as phytoplnkton. We tried analyzing seasonal changes of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope raios foethese spicies in Lake Katanuma. Food souece analysis by isotope ratios clearly showed main food source for Chironomus acerbiphilus larvae was P.braunii (benthic diatom). δ1C values of P.braunii varied seasonally, while those of POM (mainly phytoplankton) remained fairly stable. The difference of stable isotope ratios in these orfanisms discussed.}, pages = {25--28}, title = {Seasonal changes of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios for dominant species: chironomid larvae, phytoplankton, and benthic diatom inhabiting strongly acidic Lake Katanuma}, volume = {2}, year = {2004} }