@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016399, author = {WANG, Lihong and TANG, Fulong and PEI, Hongping and ZHOU, Hong and WU, Dexiu}, journal = {信州大学理学部附属諏訪臨湖実験所報告}, month = {Jun}, note = {In this paper, changes in water quality factors of West Lake and variations in the speciation distribution of Manganese in both water and bottom sediment from June 1995 to May 1996 was reported. The correlation of manganese species distribution with water quality factors was also investigated. The results showed that besides TP, T, TIN, and chl-a etc., Manganese was also one of the main factors which affects water transparency.}, pages = {73--77}, title = {STUDY ON THE CORRELATION OF WATER QUALITY FACTORS WITH SPECIES DISTRIBUTION OF MANGANESE IN WEST LAKE}, volume = {11}, year = {1999} }