@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016400, author = {Zhenyu, Li and Yinmei, Zhu}, journal = {信州大学理学部附属諏訪臨湖実験所報告}, month = {Jun}, note = {Characteristics of organic substance of the sediments of the West Lake are discussed in detail, including humic substance components and IR characteristics. The results showed that humus in the sediments of the West Lake is a typical lake sediment humus, and its humification level is high. Analysis on components of humus in the West Lake showed humin (59-71%) > humic acid (11-19%) > fulvic acid (8-15%) > lipid (3-12%). The Qianjiang River diversion project along with the planting of a lotus have both changed the organic composition of the sediment and will likely have an impact on the carbon cycling and eutrophication status in the West Lake., Article, 信州大学理学部附属諏訪臨湖実験所報告 11: 79-82(1999)}, pages = {79--82}, title = {CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCE IN WEST LAKE SEDIMENTS}, volume = {11}, year = {1999} }