@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016734, author = {有本, 実 and 中村, 寛志}, month = {Mar}, note = {Seasonal change of the buttertly community at the basin of the River Ohizumi inNagano Prefecture was investigated and its environrnent was evaluated by structural analysis of the buttertly community. Thirteen investigations were done along the road on the River Ohizumi of about 4.2 km using transect counts in the period企omApril 27 to October 12 in 2001. Sixty-seven species of 8 families and 1420 individuals could be confirrned in these investigations and the mean individuals per one investigation was 109.2. Buttert1ies inhabiting in the coppice(Satoyama) accounted for 44.8% and dominant species were CoJiおerate,Pieris melete and Argynnis paphia. The average value of Simpson's diversity index was 8.66 ranging from 3.73 to 17.40. It became clear by analyzing the structure of the butterfly community using existence ratio of environmental stage (ER) that the environment was classified into afforested stage. It was indicated by the grouping RI index method that the diversities of species living in the heights,t he coppice and the river side were nearly same values at the basin of the River Ohizumi}, title = {大泉川流域のチョウ類群集のトランセクト調査による里山環境の評価}, year = {2003} }