@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016863, author = {和田, 清 and 松尾, 美晴 and 後沢, 宏文 and 酒巻, 裕三 and 加藤, 久幸}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Ichinose Moor of the Shiga Heights,l ocated in tlle northeast part of Nagano Preffecture,had changed to the dry grassland,b y deep erosion of the stream at thecentral part of the moor. The trial was made to get upraising water level by setting artificia! weirs in the stream; A study has started to make surveys concerning to the effect of improved groundwater level on the change of the M、egetationat Ichinose Moor. The result of surveys in the early stage is reported here., Article, 環境科学年報16:47-52(1994)}, title = {河川改修による一ノ瀬湿原の植生変動}, year = {1994} }