@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016914, author = {小林, 俊夫 and 平林, 久美 and 小山, 関哉 and 八木, ひかる and 芝本, 利重 and 吉村, 和彦 and 久保, 恵嗣 and 草間, 昌三 and 酒井, 秋男 and 上田, 五雨 and 福島, 雅夫}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of chronic high-altitude exposure on diaphragm of rats. Wistar rats (W R) a nd spontaneously hypertensive rat (S HR) w ere randomly divided into two groups. One group (h igh altitude group )w as taken to high altitude research station (2 ,400 m at altitudel where were kept for 80 days. The control group was kept for same period at low altitude (610m at altitude). The diaphragm was excised. The body weight (B W) a nd diapharagrn weight (D W) w ere determined and the diameter of diaphragmatic fibers were measured. A linear relationship between BWa nd DWw as found in bo出high-altitudegroup and controls. The DW/BW was higher in high四altituderats than in controls. There was no significant difference in the distribution of diameter in diaphragm muscle fiber between high-altitude rats and controls. These findings may represent partial adaptation to high-altitude in rats., Article, 環境科学年報13:32-35(1991)}, title = {長期高地環境暴露の呼吸筋におよぼす影響:ラットの横隔膜の変化}, year = {1991} }