@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016963, author = {柳平, 坦徳 and 樫村, 修生 and 酒井, 秋男 and 竹岡, みち子 and 金子, みち代 and 浅野, 功治 and 米川, 正利 and 上田, 五雨}, month = {Mar}, note = {:T he male mice were raised in the tent of Yatsugatake laboratory (2,400m above the sea leve ,)l YG, for about one month from October to November in 1986 and in the laboratory of matsumoto (6 10m above the sea le ,v)le MG. The average ambient temperature (Ta) at Yatsugatake was 2.30C (-6.5 -120C) and that for MG was set at 200C (19 -21 OC). The body weights in YG did not differ from those in MG untill 12 days after transfer to the high altitude,b ut were smaller than those of MGo n the 22nd and 34th days (P<0.05). On the first day after return to 610m,th e oxygen consumption (V 02) of YGm easured at as imulated altitude of 2,400m was significantly higher than that of MG only at Ta of OOC. At Ta except 30oC, the values of colonic temperature (Tcol) in YG was higher than those in MG (P<0.05). The measurement was taken under Ta changed from 30 to OOC at intervals of 10oC. On the 2nd day after retun to 610m,th e value of V02 mesured at 610m in YG was significantly higher than that in MG only at Ta of 100C .Tcol at 10 and 200C in YG were higher than those in MG (P<0.05). Metabolic sensitivity to noradrenaline (NA) was greatly increased in YG when measured within 2d ays after return to 610m,wh ereas no such effect was proved in MGa nd YGd uring the time course of deacclimatization. The interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBA T) weight had a tendency to alter in the similar way as NA-induced V02 change.}, title = {高所飼育マウスの熱産生と脱馴化}, year = {1990} }