@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016996, author = {檀原, 宏 and 三橋, 俊彦 and 石川, 昌史 and 建石, 繁明 and 馬場, 多久男}, month = {Mar}, note = {Trace elements in animal organs (bovine liver) were determined simultaneously by thermal neutron activation analysis (NAA) and particle induced X ray emission spectrometry (PIXE). These methods are able to performelement analysis by nondestructive procedure. Using the same sample,0.1-0.5g for NAA and 5.0g for PIXE,many trace elements were analysed Bovine liver sample from two calves (Black beef catt1e) were cut out small fragment (7 -8g) and freeze dried. Thirty six elements concentration were determined with the two technics,however,eleven elements were presented concomitantly but others showed only one data by either NAA or PIXE method It is considered that nine elements valus (K,M n,F e,C Ui Zn,S e,B r,R b and Mo) in these eleven will be available}, title = {非破壊分析法による動物臓器中の微量元素の定量:NAA と PIXE の比較}, year = {1989} }