@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017016, author = {檀原, 宏 and 建石, 繁明 and 馬場, 多久男}, month = {Mar}, note = {Catt1e grazing grass on Shinshu high land area, take nutrients mostly from their living 1ocation. Especially, minera1 nutrients are supplied from p1ants and soi1s in these district. Many works have been reported, recentry, the cause of some unknown cattle diseases were owing to excess or deficiencey of these trace e1ements To getthe basic information for intake of nutrients on graz ing catt1e, many trace e1ements were determined in grass grown from the three regions in Shinshu high land area. Grass species obtained for ana1ysis of e1ements were a1most sixty kinds. About twenty five e1ements were determined from these grass specimens simultaneously by the instrumenta1therma1 neutron activation ana1ysis at Kyoto University Research Reactor CK. U. R.). The concentration of e1ements shows nearly 10g-norma1 distribution. Ca1cu1ation of severa1 parameters were performed a1so on the data. It was considered that little probrems were found on health of anima1s for minera1 intake on these area under the viewpoints of nutrition and haz ard. Corre1ations between elements were discussed 1.00, Article, 信州大学環境科学論集10:86-103(1988)}, title = {信州高原に自生する牧野草中の微量元素濃度に関する研究I浅間,八ケ岳高原および伊那渓谷地帯の野草中の濃度分布}, year = {1988} }