@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017036, author = {原, 信彦 and 豊国, 秀夫}, month = {Mar}, note = {Airborne pollen grains and spores. both fern and fungal, were collected by means of a Rotorod Sampler (Ted Brown Assoc., U.S.A. )at Kuraigahara (about 2,6 00m above seaーlevel)in the alpine belt of Mt. Norikura (3,026.3m),C e ntral Honshu, Japan on July 29,A ug. 13 and Aug. 14 in 1986,a nd were counted and roughly identified in the Biological Institute (Table 1). The present study is but a quite preliminary one. Such an investigation,h owever,will assist in an understanding of the relation between pollen records and the aeroecology of the area concerned., Article, 信州大学環境科学論集9:92-93(1987)}, title = {乗鞍岳高原帯における空中花粉・胞子(予報)}, year = {1987} }