@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017051, author = {豊国, 秀夫}, month = {Mar}, note = {Frorn a point of view of environrnental rnonitoring in Nagano Prefecure, an observation of airborne allergenic po llen and spores is necessary. Several kinds of rnuch irnproved pollen and spore sarnplers are now availableevenin Japan, and not a few rnonitoring stations for airborne pollen; and spores equipped with such rnodern sarnplers are now at work in different parts in Japan. To our regret,h owever, the identificationof pollen and spores trapped by rneans of such sarnplers is not so easy. Because, local rnanuals of pollen and spores that assist in identifying thern have seldorn been published except for a few special cases, even though not a few good rnanuals of pollen and sporeidentification on .the world-wide basis have been published. The present Vademecurn, though this is yet of quite prelirninary nature, was planned to rneet this dernand, and in this first part, pollen grains in relation to aeroallergens were rnainly dealt with., Article, 信州大学環境科学論集8:58-68(1986)}, title = {長野県の空中花粉同定手引(I)}, year = {1986} }