@techreport{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017157, author = {中村, 登流}, month = {Mar}, note = {Inmature beech forest,th e distributions of bird's activities are influenced by the glades around large died tree or trees because the complexi ty of the structure in the micro -habi tats, that is constructed by the leaves,t wigs and small branches of Sasa -bamboos,sa plings or thickets and the litters on the ground underthickets. Compared wi th the observation rates obtained from ihe investigate concernedto the locations of birds in first seei each within of glage,(2 ) edge of glade, (3) within of forest and (4) edge of forest,th e typical species in relation of glade are Fmberiza 包.ariabi/is,Cettia diphone,Erithacus cvane,Parus montanus and Parus jor.In the edge of glade,t he avian Communi ty in maturebeech forest hibited the highest diversity and equitability and the lowest dominance index than other parts in beech fore, Article, 信州の自然環境モニタリングと環境科学の総合化に関する研究: 昭和54年度 特定研究:37-44(1980)}, title = {ブナ原生森内の空地と鳥類群集構造}, year = {1980} }