@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017196, author = {永井, 算巳}, journal = {信州大學紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {This Article is a interim report of my study about the Sun Yat Sen Revolution which I have published already in a few article in Journal of Shinshu University. I aimed in this Article to stateout concretely how things were going on in the Age of so-called Sun Yat Sen's earlier Revolution through the movement of Chinese Student Army to resist Czarism-Russia, especially the conditions them existent both in Peking Government and in the students party. Namely its content is as fellows: The Student Army was organized by the Chinese resident students in Japanese school during the year previous to the Russo-Japanese War with an ardent wish to make resistance against Czarism, but it was rejected by Peking Government on the ground of its having a revolutionary tendency. Of course it was enough well-grounded that Peking Government rejected the demand of the students, after the series of revolutionary movement by which the Grout had been afflicted during the several previous years, Tsai-chiin (蔡釣) Confidential Document Incident, Wu-Sun (呉,孫) Affair in the resident students party in Japanese schools and the patriotic society accident of Chang ping-lin (章炳麟) group at Shanhai, especially when these movements had been found out to have derived from the Tang sai chang' s (唐才常) Independence Army Affair at the Eoxer Trouble more or less. In such a manner the interrelation between Peking Government and the student party grew threatening day by day in spite of Liang chi-chaos' (梁啓超) return to the absolutism. The Base of Sun Yat Sen Revolution began to move brightly. (1954.2.15), Article, 信州大學紀要 (4): 49-76(1953)}, pages = {49--76}, title = {拒俄学生軍をめぐって}, volume = {4}, year = {1953} }