@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017199, author = {和合, 卯太郎}, journal = {信州大學紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {1) The investigations of light fatigue in m. rectus femoris were described in the former reports ; measuring the whole course of the fatigue directly ("muscle") and indirectly ("nerve"), the recovery time, the influence of acetylcholine ACh and its effective time were studied. 2) One of the important results was the fact that between voluntary and involuntary fatigues, there were entirely different characters; in other words; the presense of voluntary efforts changed the properties of-fatigue. Central fatigue must be taken therefore in consideration. Involuntary maximal contraction, to the author's regret, could not be caused in every human subject because of pain except one. Recently in another subject, the same investigations were able to execute, the former results were comfirmed again; and moreover several new facts were found in involuntary fatigue. In these present investigations both 1.0-0.5μF V/Vr and 0.75μF V/Vr method were employed. 3) In this subject voluntary fatigue, "load" and "Mosso", gave the same results as in all others. 4) On the involuntary fatigue in these two subjects, by indirect stimulations at each side, the coincident results were obtained at a definite m:' rect. fem.. 5) Recovery times of involuntary fatigue, contrary to these of voluntary, were equall in both "nerve" and "muscle". 6) Involuntary fatigue of the measured muscle was inhibited by ACh as already reported. The same results were also obtained in the involuntary fatigue of the non- measured muscle. And in the effective time of ACh on the involuntary fatigue, "nerve" was, contrary to the voluntary, longer than "muscle". 7) In order to decide the effective time, stimulations of a definite duration were at intervals given to see whether fatigue appeared or not. The longer the duration, the shorter the effective time. 8) From above mentioned results, in addition to those already reported, it is comfirmed that the cause of light fatigue is humoral and the defficacy of ACh in the blood. 9) Does mental excitation evoke fatigue in unfatigued muscle indirectly ? At a subject on a bed on its back quietly, mental calculation for 15 or 25 minutes was carried but. Then V/Vr were measured in unfatigued m. rect. fem.. V/Vr increased and soon decreased to a normal value. When small dosis of prostigmine and ACh had been injected, no fatigue was caused by the calculation for a certain time. 10) In the recovery time of the mental fatigue, "muscle" was always, similar to the voluntary fatigue, longer than "nerve". 11) The reasons why V/Vr increases in unfatigued muscle indirectly through, the mental calculation, are yet unknown. But the following 3 kinds of interpretations are considerable : i) in the mental calculation, the excitation of cerebral cells bring directly upon the defficacy of ACh ; ii) skeletal muscles contract slightly unconsiously in the calculation ; iii) the increase of muscle innervation in the mental work ( Gopfert). 12) The results of indirect tetanic stimulation at different frequencies were investigated. The fatigue had been caused hitherto by frequency of stimulation 180 per sec.. In these present experiments, frequency of 20 per sec. were employed, and could not evoke fatigue even at the stimulation for 15 minutes. Concerning impulses, the number of impulses was greater at 20 per sec. than at 180 per sec., and therefore was no relation with fatigue., Article, 信州大學紀要 (4): 121-140(1953)}, pages = {121--140}, title = {人体の筋・神経の興奮性の研究:(第8報)随意性並に不随意性骨格筋収縮に依る軽度疲労の相違について:(第9報)軽度の精神性疲労について:(第10報)刺激頻度と疲労とについて}, volume = {4}, year = {1953} }