@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017200, author = {赤羽, 治郎}, journal = {信州大學紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {Many cases of poisoning of nitrolime (one of the important fertilizers, the chief constituent of which is calcium cynamide CaCN₂), that had often occurred among the people engaged in the production, have hitherto been rather superficially reported. We have recently made general physical and clinical examinations on the people working in a certain nitro-lime factory. The toxicity and other pharmacological characteristics of nitro-lime were tested with animal experiments. Nitrolime-alcohol syndrome was examined on the human volunteers. Following results were obtained. 1) In cases of usual acute poisoning, erythema, vesicle and ulcer were seen on the skin and mucous membrane exposed to the fine dust of nitro-lime. Most of the workers complained of fatigue and weariness, and showed low blood pressure and bradycardia. The Ca content of sera was in normal level in most of them, but in some cases the slight increase of non-protein nitrogen was seen. The total red blood cell and leucocyte count and hemoglobin content was in normal level in most of them, but in some cases the slight increase of lymphocytes and eosinophiles were seen. These symptoms appeared more profoundly with the increase of the degree of exposure to the fine dust of nitro-lime. 2) i) In vitro test, nitro-lime causes the delay of clotting time and a little easier lysis of blood. ii) Nitro-lime has bactericidal activity on the typhoid bacilli and colon bacilli; dicyandiamide (CN-NH₂)₂ has not such an activity. iii) Nitro-lime has local irritating and caustic action on the skin and mucous membrane. iv) When admitted subcutaneously, the minimum lethal dosis of purified calcium cyanamide for both frogs and mice was approximately 20mg per 10g of body weight. LD₅₀ of nitro-lime for rats was 4.3 g per kg of body weight. v) The intravenous injection of purified calcium cyanamide into anesthetized rabbits effected the transitory hypotension, respiratory excitement and tachycardia. vi) Oral administration of 0.1-0.5 g of nitro-lime per kg of the body weight of dogs for 30~90 days caused the anorexia, disturbances of alimentary canal and the mild functional lesion of the liver. 3) In the experiment with human volunteers, administration of calcium cyanamide and alcohol caused the symptoms quite the same in quality, but more severe in quantity than those caused by disulfiram (Antabuse) and alcohol; i. e. flushing in the face, palpitation, tachycardia, fall of blood pressure, severe headache, vomiting and others., Article, 信州大學紀要 (4): 141-156(1953)}, pages = {141--156}, title = {石灰窒素製造工場に発生する中毒ないし健康障害に関する研究}, volume = {4}, year = {1953} }