@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017212, author = {渡辺, 義晴}, journal = {信州大學紀要}, month = {May}, note = {Approximately in the beginning of the thirteenth century there appeared many christian sects in european countries one after another. Before Refor mation the important ones among them were:Waldenses, Apostle-brothers, Beghards, Lollards and Taborites. This article is aimed to point out the mysticism as the common character of these sects (1) and to explain their position in the history of social ideas. (2) (1) Chiliasm and apocalypse, peculiar to the sects, can be taken as a my stical way of thinking. Ascetic puritanism and the principle of equality of the sects were connected with the mysticism. (2) The evangelical communism may be regarded as a fore-runner of the modern democratic socialism. It expressed a somewhat revolutionary spirit of the middle-and lower-class people who supported the sects. But, it could not go beyond the boundary of the subjective enthusiasm which had no intention to the real improvement of the social conditions and the civilisation in general. In this respect it showed the conservative tendency of the sects., Article, 信州大學紀要 (3): 37-48(1953)}, pages = {37--48}, title = {中世解体期(Reformation 以前)におけるキリスト教分派の神秘思想について①}, volume = {3}, year = {1953} }