@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017231, author = {栗林, 保人 and 吉野, 重丈}, journal = {信州大學紀要}, month = {Jul}, note = {The authors made in the first place the fundamental study over the influences of the pituitary body (removal of its pars anterior, posterior and totalis) upon the retinal pigment migration of the frogs (bufo vulgaris). The experimental results were somewhat equivocal, and the attitude of pigment migration showed generally incomplete positions in comparison with control frogs. The dark changes of frog skin were remarkable after the removal of pars anterior or totalis, but unnoticeable after removal of pars posterior. In frogs pars intermedia cannot be detected morphologically. According to this experiment we cannot differentiate that any part of pituitary body really influences upon the retinal photo-mechanical elements, but we can suggest that the pituitary body has the intimate relationship with the retina and without its hormonal function the accomplishment of retinal metabolism must be impeded or delayed. In the second place, we transplanted fresh enucleated bovine pituitary bodies or injected its emulsion with penicillin solution to 10 cases of typical degene ratio pigmentosa retinae. The clinical results met generally our expectations,and in the cases of earlier stage the effects of these treatments were more striking,and of later stage the treatment was too late to recover already destroved retinal function. Other ocular diseases such as sequelae of sympathetic ophthalmia,atrophia retinochorioideae,degeneratio maculae luteae,myopia of high glade,climacteric asthenopia,glaucoma and hypopyon-uveitis recidiva preved almost no effect, although all the patients expressed that they felt a certain refreshment after this treatment. One casa of Simmonds' disease showed distinguished recoverment. We conclude therefore,that with the transplantation of bovine hypophysis the weakened but yet reversible retinal function can be revived or activated., Article, 信州大學紀要 (2): 91-100(1952)}, pages = {91--100}, title = {脳下垂体の移植に就て}, volume = {2}, year = {1952} }