@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017435, author = {MANO, Koichi and CHIHARA, Hideaki}, journal = {信州大学教養部紀要.}, month = {Mar}, note = {A compact software was developed for loading/searching NQR spectral data from the source database which contains 10,155 records as of May, 1991. The software is designed for a personal computer with a hard disk storage of 20Mb and runs, hopefully, on any personal computer that can compile ANSI C language. This software, named NQR PC SEARCH, was actually tested successfully on NEC's PC9801/RA21, IBM's PSI 5530Z, PS/55note, and PS/2, and several other IBM compatible machines., Article, 信州大学教養部紀要. 27: 277-285(1993)}, pages = {277--285}, title = {A PERSONAL COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR RETRIEV AL OF NQRS DATA}, volume = {27}, year = {1993} }