@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017529, author = {今井, 敬子}, journal = {信州大学教養部紀要. 第一部, 人文科学}, month = {Feb}, note = {Lniguistic differences between Modern Literary Chinese and Pekinese are often discussed. In this study, five major types of Chinese resultative verb construction are examined with respect to the computer-file of modern hu.one million character text. Very few structural variants of resultative verb constructions were discovered in the said computer-file. These heterogeneous types are limited to those sharing no obvious identity cOl1stituents between the matrix and embedded sentences, such as yonR(to spend)+shenR(to remain), ca (to rub)+ po(to break), etc. However, the heterogeneity consists not so much in the structural differences between Modern Literary Chinese and Pekinese as in the semantic-syntactic features of individual constituent verbs. In this respect, we have to conclude that the linguistic difference between Modern Literary Chinese and Pekinese has been exaggerated among contemporary Chinese grammarians., Article, 教養部紀要 20: 69-82(1986)}, pages = {69--82}, title = {現代白話に見られる「結果を表わす動補構造」のタイプ}, volume = {20}, year = {1986} }