@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017588, author = {駒井, 正一}, journal = {信州大学教養部紀要. 第一部, 人文科学}, month = {Feb}, note = {Summary The 'Modernization' of Geography and the Phonetic Spelling of Foreign Geographical Names in China Masakazu KOMAl The aims of the 'Modernization' of China are to lay th.e founda:ti<=>u of: a eom~ prehensive socialist industrial structure by the end of the centu.ry. The sklgau, of the economic strategy after liberation was 'learn from the Soviet Union'. OUTing the Great Cultural Revolution, 'Gang of 4' and several other raclical leaders were strongly opposed to But Chinese leaders have decided that production is a more important question than a political campaign. And they have taken foreign languages as a useful means for research work. When they study foreign languages, they are studying foreign geographical names. Just as some geographical names are difficult to understand, so some are difficult to translate into Chinese. 1JlliBi:flJ - Chinese for 'Naples' - is one example of many words translated directly from Itatian into Chinese. Lots of difficult foreign geographical names have been translated into Chinese, and been understood by them., Article, 教養部紀要 12: 37-56(1978)}, pages = {37--56}, title = {中国における地理学の現代化と外国地名の漢訳}, volume = {12}, year = {1978} }