@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017650, author = {太田, 久枝}, journal = {信州大学教養部紀要. 第二部, 自然科学}, month = {Jan}, note = {It is said that among stuffings in pillows that of buckwheat husks is especially easy to become cold, and is not filled with heat. The present writer made the measurements of the degree of heat conduction to see whether or not the statement was really true. These feaures could be pointed out from the results of the measurements. As far as the degree of heat conduction was concerned, buckwheat husks. chaffs, and others vvere nearly equal. Red beans, for that matter, were about twice as high as buckwheat husks. Both buckwheat husks and chaffs increased the degree of heat conduction in proportion to the increase of hydrated quantity. Vinyl and sponge were lower in the degree of heat conduction than buckwheat husks. From those results should be formed the following conclusion. Buckwheat husks on the aspect of heat phenomenon were not especially more excellent than chaffs and other stuffs. And then the present writer thought that the cause of that statement concerning buckwheat husks, especially easy to become cold, not filled with heat, should be searched for in other directions.}, pages = {77--88}, title = {枕の充填剤の研究(9報):材質の熱伝導度の比較測定と絶対値測定}, volume = {2}, year = {1968} }