@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018055, author = {田中, 義人 and 鷲尾, 裕一 and 吉野, 正人 and 平田, 哲夫}, journal = {計算数理工学論文集}, month = {Nov}, note = {Dynamic behavior of a droplet on solid surfaces is simulated by using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for two-phase flows with large density differences. A wetting boundary condition on the solid surfaces is incorporated based on the approach proposed by Briant et al. We investigate two problems, namely the dynamic behavior of a droplet impinging on a horizontal wall and sliding on an inclined wall for various Weber numbers. In the first problem, it is shown that a droplet becomes easily deformable as Weber number increases. Also, the dynamic contact angle, the contact line velocity and the wet length are calculated and compared with available experimental data. In the second problem, it is found that the difference between the advancing and receding contact angles increases with increasing Weber number., Article, 計算数理工学論文集. 8:65-70 (2008)}, pages = {65--70}, title = {ウェーバー数の違いによる固体表面における液滴の動的挙動解析}, volume = {8}, year = {2008} }